Hi readers!!
For a long time since my birth, I want to express this story at right time in a right place. And that’s why I pen down my first closet scribbling here.
Well the story starts from Feb 17, 1963. Though it was not an auspicious day, when the scientist, who discovers d most of happenings well in advance, failed to discover a special thing that happened on that fine day. Probably they might have slept soon on that day or not much aware of that. It was a so dark & cold, a blanket of dead silence covered the remote village. A village which lacked in most of the basic needs (as the crazy urban pupil use to mock at rural areas) but it was rich in having fertile lands (which most of the urban areas don’t posses nowadays). And, by the time of 1.30 am,it is the time when dew drops usually fells upon d soft petals of flowers which makes them to blossom with happiness, there was a heavy scream of a pregnant woman, who gave birth to her cute little female baby. Her optimistic husband as well as the pupil around her, none of them felt bad, though the women screamed out of pain & the baby cried aloud in the way to wake up most of the villagers, as their eyes were fully filled with glimpse of their new born little female baby. The parents felt that, she was a gift from their god, whose luck will do wonders to them and thought the baby as angel of their family. Soon, as they thought, they grew wealthy, but not only due to the luck of their chweet baby. But, mostly because of their sincerity,hard work towards the business and the way they treated their customers. Thus, their business went high & made wonders in their life. The baby was named as Amritha. She was born in most populated family with eight siblings, though she was eldest among them. And so, she had the responsibility to look upon her siblings in her childhood itself. Amritha went to school only after feeding all her siblings. Being a child herself, feeding eight sisters was too difficult for her, but she that with passion. I think, that’s why she was rightly called as an angel to their family. Years passed, it was during her teenage, like most of us do, Amritha also fell in love which brought twists turns to her life. When her parents came to know about amritha’s love, unlike the parents of those times, they partly accepted her love which resulted in marriage later. As the things went happily around amritha, in turn, things went very bad in her life. When she was nineteen, she lost her lovable dad to the Nature. Losing her father to earth, both amritha and her mom lost most of their faiths to lead their life. As they lost their faith, they grew poor again, as her mom was not literate or talented enough to handle the business effectively unlike her husband. Yes, she became very poor, such that she had only two sarees gifted by her god to wear for the three years of her bitter college life. Pity is that, none of her classmates or even her friends were not ready to help her, but they were highly interested to criticize her a lot. Mmm, that’s the way, most of the students having fun even today. Does that really sound funny? Mad adults!! Things went worst in her life, soon after her graduation, she didn’t get a valid job related to her degree, yet, she got married, whom she loved. But unlike amritha her hubby was cruel enough who pushed her to face the pain of five abortions, as all of them were female babies. Well even now my fingers shivers, when I think about the pain she faced. Will this pain equals anyone of losing five businesses concurrently? Will that equal any five big failures of our life? NO NO, it is just un equivalent to any of the pain that persists in this ugly world. Well, at this instant will any of the women in this world will be crazy enough to open a school without a good capital & any other faculties?? Yes, believe me; amritha was crazy enough to do that. She ran a school in order to educate the children of the village. Oh my goodness!! See how patriotic she is. Still, I couldn’t believe this step of her and you too might have a doubt on that. But, poor amritha can’t run her school for a long time. She was not ready to give up, but there wasn’t any way for her to go. While nothing made her happy, only by May 17, 1988, she was able to give birth to a male child. Only the birth of her child (not of being male), made her to smile (Just a little) after a long time. But, still fate played a roller coaster in her life once again. Amritha’s little happiness lasts only for few months as she lost her husband this time. Aah! Full of sad. Is this a life of an angel? Will the entire angel’s life will be as much as miserable like amritha’s? Oh Oh, I got the answer. Only the angel will possess such amount of strength to surpass those kinds of difficulties. Well only we feel that the things happened to her as higher degree of difficulties, that a women can face, but amritha didn’t spend her precious time out of worrying, yet, she just learnt the things from her past & made her future better. Ya ya!! As soon as her husband left her & a baby in hand, what a village girl will do? Yup! She had the energy to face all the problems to lead a life (just a simple life) and to lift her child’s life. Being a crazy mother, she didn’t have any wish for her. She was not selfish, even a little bit like all the beautiful mothers of this world. Probably, that’s why Mother Nature is worshiped high, even in this scientific world. Seventeen days from her child’s birth, eventually amritha got a job, probably a govt job. She was very much happy, not for getting a job instead the job’s nature made her to smile. Yes, she got nursing job. Patriotic amritha, happily served the patients with love & passion, apart from her own personal problems which continues even now. Even after that, many persons & things tried to tug her down, but she flew high like a butterfly, but not with so much of colours. Her perseverance & persistence made her to fly even without colours. Oh may be, qualities are the colours of amritha. With the service she made, now she lead a better life as she thought. But, Fate was not ready to make her happy all time, Adding flavours to her ill fate, her son was so idiotic who scribbles something most of his times, naughty enough to throw his books away, lazy enough to sleep throughout the day, clever enough to pass his life time without caring anything about his future. Though he knows his mom’s miserable life, still he is playful. Probably that’s the reason of her son, who kicks himself whenever he gets out of his bed every day. Still, amritha didn’t lose faith over her stupid son, but worked hard to pave a better way for her son’s future. I was quite amazed of her attitude that is never ready to give up anything to anyone. On whole, what will be her success? What is her end result? Where her journey going to be rewarded? What is happiness up to her? I was highly interested to know her answers. So, I personally went up to her & asked her these questions. She was so cool & replied me in simple as “My journey is my reward”. I was stunned at her reply. I didn’t find a single word to say. Only smile was my reply, in turn. And saluted her for the way she is. Amritha was vivid & unique enough to live like this. Are we? Can we? Think of yourself!! Oouch, my mom started scolding and as it’s my time to go to maths tuition. Well, now you too knew my mom. Yes, Amritha is none, but my lovable mom. Ya ya man, I’m her stupid son, doing nothing like her & still scribbling something like the one I did here. Yet, you owe this mom. I dedicate you this scribbling, though it might not be a piece of worth for you. I want to recognize the things that you have achieved so far. So, my acknowledgement is that, I’m always proud of being your son, Mom!! Love you a lot!!
Well, well, still if you think that this story is out of syllabus, nothing related to management, no way related to lead our life, less worth to read this one, waste of time, just a crap, and all those kinds of stuff, then, WAKE UP yaar, don’t be stupid like me. I suggest you to read this article, oh sorry, Story again. Hope, we can learn some valuable tips at least a little out of my amritha’s life.